


China’s refined oil consumption rose 3.6% year on year to 181.05 million mt in the first half of 2021, according to data from the National Development and Reform Commission. The country imported 74.84 million mt of crude oil during the same period, an increase of 8.1% compared with the same period last year. Meanwhile, China’s crude oil output fell 1.7% year on year to 95.63 million mt in the first half-year.


China’s central bank, the People’s Bank of China, said it will release a set of commemorative coins to mark the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC). The coins will be issued in three versions: gold, silver, and bimetallic. The release of the coins is in line with the central bank’s efforts to promote the spirit and achievements of the CPC.


Chinese film “Cliff Walkers” directed by Zhang Yimou has become the highest-grossing movie of the year in China, surpassing “Hi, Mom” and “Detective Chinatown 3,” according to box office data. Released on April 30, “Cliff Walkers” has earned over 900 million yuan ($139 million) in box office revenue. The spy thriller, set in the 1930s, tells the story of four Communist agents who embark on a secret mission.

根據電影票房數據,《懸崖之上》(Cliff Walkers)成為中國今年的最高票房電影,超過了《你好,李煥英》和《唐人街探案3》。《懸崖之上》於4月30日上映,票房收入超過9億人民幣(1.39億美元)。這部間諜驚悚片設定在20世紀30年代,講述了四名共產黨特工進行秘密任務的故事。

China’s internet giant Tencent has acquired a minority stake in British video game developer Sumo Group. Tencent will acquire approximately 15% of the shares in Sumo Group, marking the latest move by the Chinese company to expand its reach in the global video game industry. Sumo Group is known for developing popular games such as “Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed” and “Little Big Planet 3.”